There are no upcoming sessions, please email Wellness for Law.

Aims of the session

The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with an understanding of mental health, including common mental health conditions. It also seeks to explore the specific challenges impacting practitioners at the Bar, and those working within the profession.

We ultimately aim to equip those attending with the confidence and skill to engage with professional colleagues to create healthy workplaces, respond to difficulties, and signpost to support in crisis.

Training objectives

  • Develop knowledge of what mental health is and common mental health issues
  • Gain specific understanding of some of the pressures experienced by barristers and those working with the Bar
  • Enable participants to signpost for support and further guidance to promote good mental health and aid recovery
  • Provide an ability to identify and respond to mental health issues in yourself and others

How is the session delivered?

The workshop is delivered online by an experienced trainer in psychological health. The training is designed as an interactive learning experience using problem based scenarios and reflective group discussions to engage participants in applying the core knowledge to their relevant practice and workplace.

This manual has workbook exercises for you to complete during your training allowing you to refer back to the manual for future reference.

Prices, discounts and group bookings

  • Standard price: £85
  • Discounts are available for group bookings and for members of the Young Bar.

To discuss group bookings, or to enquire about holding a session exclusively for your chambers' members and staff, email Wellness for Law.