Alongside The Law Society and the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx), we are pleased to support the Women in Law Pledge. We have created the pledge to help tackle the issue of women's equality within the legal profession.

By signing up for the pledge, organisations are committing to: 

  • Supporting the progression of women into senior roles in the profession by focusing on retention and progression 
  • Collecting data and setting targets around equality and diversity 
  • Making an action plan and tracking progress towards achieving these goals

We encourage all legal service providers to sign up. We hope that pledging your commitment to change, and doing so with transparency, will be a vital stepping stone in achieving impactful progress for equality for all. 

Apply to be a part of the pledge

Current signatories

Guidelines and tips

Below are guidelines for committing to women's equality within your organisation. Click on each guideline for more information on how to meet that target. 

We pledge to promote women's equality by:

Click on the tips below for more guidance on making and meeting your commitments. 

How to apply

  1. Look at the commitments and tips for how the Bar can use the pledge. Decide on the activities you pledge to carry out and complete the application form. Email your completed form to [email protected]. Women in law pledge signatory badge - logo. Graphic of lady justice with the text surrounding her.
  2. Once we get your application, we will confirm you as a signatory within 7 days. You will be listed on our website. You will be sent a logo to use on your materials to promote your commitment.
  3. Once you have signed up let us know the targets you’ve set for activities over the next year.
  4. You can ask to be removed from the pledge at any time by emailing [email protected].  

Advocates for change

Anyone across the Bar can raise awareness of the Women in Law pledge. We encourage everyone in a position of senior leadership or influence, and particularly men, to become champions for women’s equality and sign the pledge today.  

  • Set yourself 'targets' related to any planned activity and then let Bar Council know any targets you wish to set,
  • Email [email protected] with details of your planned activity and any targets (we will keep them on record and check to see how you have got on 12 months later**); and
  • Let us know how you are getting on and confirm you want to remain signed up to the Pledge/decide on any new activity and/or set yourself new targets.

* You can ask to be removed from the pledge at any time by emailing [email protected].

** If we don't hear from you 12 months on, we will remove your name from the list of pledge signatories.

Note: Only Bar Council will hold records of your activity commitments and targets. They will not be shared with any third parties.

Current signatories:

1 Crown Office Row

1 Hare Court

15 Winckley Square Chambers

20 Essex

25 Bedford Row  

3 Verulam Buildings

3 Hare Court

4 New Square

4 Stone Buildings

7 King’s Bench Walk

Black Antelope Law

Brick Court Chambers

Coram Chambers

Crown Chambers

Deka Chambers

Exchange Chambers

Fountain Court Chambers

Garden Court Chambers

Gatehouse Chambers

Guildhall Chambers


Maitland Chambers


No5 Chambers

One Essex Court

Parklane Plowden

Selborne Chambers

Serle Court Chambers

South Square

Spire Barristers

St Ives Chambers

St. Philips Chambers

Wilberforce Chambers

If you want to discuss ideas for your pledge and want to know if they are suitable, please contact [email protected].

WIL Pledge logo lock up