Press releases
Find all the latest major announcements, breaking news, press releases and commentary from the Bar Council on issues affecting the barristers' profession, justice and the rule of law.
The purpose of the Bar Council's press releases are to represent and promote the Bar nationally as well as globally, bring its voice to the public domain and defend the rule of law.
For more information about any press release, call the External Relations & Communications team on 020 7092 8175.
Criminal legal aid increase for solicitors: Bar Council reaction
The government has announced additional funding for criminal legal aid solicitors
Increasing court sitting days is the right decision
The government has announced an extra 2,000 sitting days
Bar Council reacts to Leveson review of criminal courts and latest court statistics
The figures out today show the perilous state of the criminal justice system. To address the multitude of challenges, we need new solutions and additional funding.
Bar Council response to serious misconduct findings against Jo Sidhu KC
The tribunal delivered its findings on 9 December
Race at the Bar: time to double down on race equality work
Our new race at the Bar report reveals there has been some progress on access, retention, progression and culture. But there is much more work to do.
First civil legal aid increase since 1996 long overdue
The Bar Council has welcomed the proposed additional £20 million a year for legal aid in housing and immigration
BSB Equality Rules amendments proposals are the wrong approach, warns the Bar Council
The Bar Council has published its proposed response to the Bar Standards Board’s proposed amendments to the equality rules forming part of barristers’ conduct obligations.
Independent report supports call for immediate uplift in criminal legal aid fees
The Bar Council is repeating calls for an immediate 15% uplift in criminal legal aid fees for barristers, following the publication of the first Criminal Legal Aid Advisory Board report.
Budget: Welcome step for justice but still a way to go
The Bar Council has welcomed the overall settlement for justice in today’s Budget