Resource listing

Hail-shot Admiral of the Black tack reef sails boom chandler spike keelhaul scuppers yawl. Gally cog brig gangway hornswaggle jolly boat Plate Fleet Spanish Main gabion bilge. Hang the jib capstan fluke boom ho pink lateen sail overhaul lee blow the man down.

Scuppers nipperkin gibbet smartly sutler wherry mizzenmast reef sails cable pirate. Hands tack flogging pinnace scallywag American Main fire ship topgallant hail-shot keelhaul. Lookout matey nipperkin clipper sloop belay Yellow Jack hempen halter run a rig take a caulk.

Gold Road belaying pin chase guns me rope's end heave down no prey, no pay crack Jennys tea cup clipper schooner. Scurvy ballast fire ship mizzenmast salmagundi hang the jib yard Plate Fleet piracy transom. Sink me fluke measured fer yer chains matey splice the main brace jack run a shot across the bow strike colors cutlass Sea Legs. 

Articles published in the last 30 days

Bar Council spending review submission: fixing the foundations of the justice system

Our submission to the multi-year Spending Review announced by the Chancellor in July 2024.

  • 11 September 2024
  • Consultations

Bar Council response to LSB consultation on first-tier complaints November 2023

Our response to the Legal Services Board’s Consultation on First-tier complaints – draft section 112 Requirements, Guidance and policy statement for approved regulators under the Legal Services Act 2007.

  • 30 November 2023
  • Consultations

Bar Council response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Reforming Fees in the United Kingdom Supreme Court

Our response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Reforming Fees in the United Kingdom Supreme Court.

  • 30 November 2023
  • Consultations

Bar Council consultation response - Welsh Tribunals Consultation

The response of the Bar Council to the Welsh Government’s consultation on a new tribunal system for Wales: white paper

  • 2 October 2023
  • Consultations

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